Spiritual Emergence and Spiritual Emergency

What is Spiritual Emergence? “Spiritual emergence is the process of personal awakening into a level of perceiving and functioning, which is beyond normal ego functioning.  At its peak, spiritual emergence is the experience of the ultimate unity of all things, a...

Fixing How I Feel Meditation

What Exactly is “Mindfulness”, Anyways? A short definition of mindfulness is a kind, inquiring attitude toward the experiences that arise and pass our daily lives. A brief description of non-mindfulness is obsessive thinking and compulsive behavior, which...

How to “Ride the Waves” and Practice Urge Surfing

Struggling With Compulsive Urges? In these difficult times we are all facing, struggling with compulsive urges can be a real challenge! Here is a technique that has proven to be very effective in numerous clinical trials for a mindful emergence into stability....

7 Tips to Help Daily Meditation Practice

Are you struggling to maintain a regular meditation practice?  Does it happen in “fits and starts”?  Do you beat yourself up because you know you “should” and you aren’t? Here are 7 Tips That Might Help You Mindfully Emerge Meditate first thing in the morning if you...