Are you looking for relief from alcohol use disorder?
What About Pharmaceuticals?
For a long time, we’ve known that the treatment options for addressing mental health and substance use disorders are not highly effective. Pharmaceuticals may help some in the short run, but may have significant side effects and were never intended to be used continuously for years.
Addiction recovery typically requires a multi-layered approach. In many cases, ongoing therapy, maintenance medications, and intentional support systems are essential to successful recovery.
What is a Successful Recovery?
Each individual’s recovery will be unique to their mental health needs and circumstances. Treatment centers for addiction recovery in general have shown only marginal success, to put it politely. On average, individuals experiencing addiction may need to return to treatment an average of six attempts(!!!), though some require many more. Double digit visits to treatment centers are not uncommon. In Eddie’s case, he found and has maintained recovery with just one rehab visit, but that is rare.
The latest research is revealing more promising evidence for treating substance use disorder (SUD). Surprise, it is psychedelics. For alcohol use disorder in particular, psilocybin and ketamine are leading the race, with psilocybin pulling out front for effectively reducing or even eliminating the desire for alcohol.
Shortly after Margaret began exploring the therapeutic use of psilocybin in 2020, she noticed a complete lack of desire for alcohol. The allure simply faded. For more than a decade before her pivotal relationship with magic mushrooms, her daily evening ritual involved drinking a glass of wine. She now feels a new sense of personal empowerment and freedom she didn’t know was possible.
The latest research is revealing more promising evidence for treating substance use disorder (SUD). Surprise, it is psychedelics. For alcohol use disorder in particular, psilocybin and ketamine are leading the race, with psilocybin pulling out front for effectively reducing or even eliminating the desire for alcohol.
Shortly after Margaret began exploring the therapeutic use of psilocybin in 2020, she noticed a complete lack of desire for alcohol. The allure simply faded. For more than a decade before her pivotal relationship with magic mushrooms, her daily evening ritual involved drinking a glass of wine. She now feels a new sense of personal empowerment and freedom she didn’t know was possible.
Our Direct Experience With Clients
We have witnessed incredible results in some of the clients we’ve mentored, including total abstinence from alcohol use after one macro-dose psilocybin journey. We don’t fully understand how it works, but we see that the results are sustainable and change lives for the better. What we know and emphasize strongly is that the medicine alone has limited effect. Without the all-important integration afterwards, the “results” might not stick. As Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADC), we have the benefit of having worked with thousands of individuals seeking recovery from addiction over the last ten plus years.
The Results
Not only have several clients stopped drinking alcohol after doing a therapeutic dose of psilocybin, but one person came to us from WVA with a 26-year-old methamphetamine addiction, did one journey and followed up with a determined integration process we recommended. As of this posting, she is nearing two full years free from addiction to meth. She also left an abusive relationship and is thriving at a level she never thought imaginable. This medicine can work! Maybe not for everyone, but certainly for many!