Find Your Still Point With Witnessing

Linking Mind and Body The physical body positions we move into and out of while practicing yoga are called asanas. The meaning of the word is steady seat, which can be thought of as a steadiness of effort and ease in the body, mind and breath while moving. The steady...

Are You Low or High on Energy?

Effort Creates Energy I have often marveled at people who seem to have boundless energy – those who are productive, focused, active and socially engaged. Although I am satisfied with my experience of being calm, grounded and I am content to keep myself close to...

Make Walking Your Meditation

Bringing Ourselves Back Into Body-Mind Awareness How about making the walking we already do into an opportunity to meditate? In walking meditation, we use the experience of walking as our focus, a technique that can be just an effective as sitting practice. It can be...

Dissolving Chronic Stress with Mindful Movements

Mind Spinning? A great deal of time can be spent trying to figure something out intellectually.  Even as an understanding of a problem becomes clear and a solution is laid out, we may never get to the essence of whatever we are trying to work through if we do not...

Searching for Gratitude vs Resentments

“What Am I Grateful For?” When it comes to taking advice on happiness, I tend to trust the neuroscientists, the people who study brains and discover how they work. And they tell us that the key question to ask when we feel down is, “What am I grateful for?” What About...