The Difference Between “Being” and “Doing”

Disturbing emotions play a vital part in our lives, energetically signaling to us and perhaps others that we are distressed about something that has happened in our life. One specific common emotion that can be quite difficult to deal with, perhaps to the point that...

We Are Literally in Two Realities at the Same Time

Einstein was right, we CAN be in two places at the same time. Here is how it works. Dual awareness is the process of being able to pay attention to one or more experiences simultaneously and helps contain overwhelming feelings, thoughts and body sensations. Dual...

How Meditation Soothes Our Nerves

The Autonomic Nervous System As the control center of the body, The Autonomic Nervous System is one of the most vital systems in the human body. It is responsible for the proper function of two main responses: 1) voluntary conscious responses activated by muscles, and...

Here Are 5 Easy Things You Can Do To Reduce Anxiety

When Your Mind Starts to Race, These Tips Can Help You Relax and Regain Control. Many of us experience anxiety on a regular basis. Anxiety is a normal, adaptive system in the body that tells us when we are in danger, which means that dealing with your anxiety never...